
Friday, January 19, 2018

Toolbox - Why is My Database So Big????

I have written previously (here) about how to tell which database files have free space in them when your drive starts to fill.

What if all of your database files are full and you are still running out of space?

F DB03 DB03_MDF DATA 35.47 GB 225.63 MB F:\MSSQL\Data\DB03_Data.mdf
F DB02 DB02Data DATA 110.25 MB 92.38 MB F:\MSSQL\Data\DB02.mdf
F DB01 DB01Data DATA 142.06 MB 72.69 MB F:\MSSQL\Data\DB01.mdf
F DB05 DB05_Data DATA 35.72 GB 71.44 MB F:\MSSQL\Data\DB05_Data.mdf
F DB06 DB06_MDF1 DATA 36.47 GB 58.50 MB F:\MSSQL\Data\DB06_Data.mdf
F DB04 DB04Data DATA 36.47 GB 38.00 MB F:\MSSQL\Data\DB04_Data.mdf
The next step is to see what is taking up the space in the individual databases.  Maybe there's an audit table that never gets purged...or a Sales History that can be archived away, it only there were an archive process...



There is an easy query to return the free space available in the various tables in your database - I found it in an StackOverflow at and then modified it somewhat to make the result set cleaner (to me anyway):


Object Sizes

Modified from

@@SERVERNAME as InstanceName
, DB_NAME() as DatabaseName
, ISNULL('.'+t.NAME, '**TOTAL**')  AS TableName
, SUM(p.rows) AS RowCounts
--, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB
, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8/1024.0 AS TotalSpaceMB
, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8/1024.0/1024.0 AS TotalSpaceGB
, SUM(a.used_pages) * 8/1024.0 AS UsedSpaceMB
, (SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages)) * 8/1024.0 AS UnusedSpaceMB
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s 
ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i 
ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.partitions p 
ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a 
ON p.partition_id = a.container_id
WHERE t.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%'    -- filter out system tables for diagramming
AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0
AND i.OBJECT_ID > 255 
GROUP BY'.'+t.Name


Running the query against an individual database will return all of the tables in the database and their sizes, as well as the total size of the database (from the ROLLUP):


InstanceName DatabaseName TableName RowCounts TotalSpaceMB UsedSpaceMB UnusedSpaceMB
Instance01 Database99 **TOTAL** 148409590 36,042.063 32,890.922 3151.141
Instance01 Database99 dbo.BusinessRulesAuditing 20686280 17,877.813 17,860.938 16.875
Instance01 Database99 dbo.BusinessRulesRuleSet 18840 3,895.766 877.945 3,017.820
Instance01 Database99 dbo.ModelWorkbookVersionExt 4383 1,818.453 1,806.445 12.008
Instance01 Database99 dbo.EquityOutputVersions 35040362 1,746.688 1,739.281 7.406
Instance01 Database99 dbo.NominalOutputs 3592710 258.305 251.047 7.258
Instance01 Database99 dbo.Auditing 173494 33.391 27.586 5.805
Instance01 Database99 dbo.EquityOverrides 13105402 515.859 511.188 4.672
Instance01 Database99 dbo.ContingentOutputs 1371465 364.641 361.719 2.922
Instance01 Database99 dbo.ContingentWSStaging 292907 333.320 329.359 3.961
Instance01 Database99 dbo.TransformedAdminContingent 585848 76.070 73.000 3.070


There are two different useful cases I normally find with this result set.

The first (highlighted in aqua) is the very large table.  In this sample my 35GB database has one large 17GB table.  This is a situation where you can investigate the table and see *why* it is so large.  In many cases, this is just the way it is - sometimes one large "mother" table is a fact of life (You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both, and there you have..."

Often though you will find that this table is an anomaly.  As mentioned above, maybe there is a missing purge or archive process - with a very large table look at the table definitions to see if their are date/datetime columns, and then select the top 10 order by those columns one by one to see how old the oldest records are.  You may find that you are storing years of data when you only need months and can purge the oldest rows.  You may also find that even though you do need years of data, you may not need them live in production, which allows you to periodically archive them away to another database (maybe even another instance) where they can be accessed only when needed.

The second case (highlighted in yellow) is a table with significant free space contained in the table itself.  In this example a 3.7GB table has 3.0GB of free space in it!

How do you account for this?  There are a few ways - when you delete large numbers of rows from the table, the space usually isn't released until the next time the related indexes are rebuilt.  Another possibility is index fill factor - the amount of free space that is included in indexes when they are rebuilt.  I have run into several instances where a client DBA misunderstood the meaning of the fill factor and did a reverse to themselves, setting the fill factor to 10 thinking it would leave 10% free space when in fact it left 90% free space, resulting not only in exceeding large indexes but also in very poor performance as the SQL Server needs to scan across many more pages to retrieve your data.

To help determine which index(es) may contribute to the problem, you can add the indexname to the query to break the data out that one more level:


Object Sizes With Indexes

Modified from

@@SERVERNAME as InstanceName
, DB_NAME() as DatabaseName
, ISNULL('.'+t.NAME, '**TOTAL**')  AS TableName
, ISNULL(i.Name, '**TOTAL**')  AS IndexName
, SUM(p.rows) AS RowCounts
--, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB
, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8/1024.0 AS TotalSpaceMB
, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8/1024.0/1024.0 AS TotalSpaceGB
, SUM(a.used_pages) * 8/1024.0 AS UsedSpaceMB
, (SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages)) * 8/1024.0 AS UnusedSpaceMB
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s 
ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i 
ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.partitions p 
ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a 
ON p.partition_id = a.container_id
WHERE t.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%'    -- filter out system tables for diagramming
AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0
AND i.OBJECT_ID > 255 
GROUP BY'.'+t.Name
, i.Name


InstanceName DatabaseName TableName IndexName RowCounts TotalSpaceMB UsedSpaceMB UnusedSpaceMB
Instance01 Database99 **TOTAL** **TOTAL** 148409590 36,042.063 35,890.922 151.141
Instance01 Database99 BusinessRulesAuditing PK__BusinessRules 20686280 17,877.813 17,860.938 16.875
Instance01 Database99 BusinessRulesAuditing **TOTAL** 20686280 17,877.813 17,860.938 16.875
Instance01 Database99 BusinessRulesRuleSet IX_RuleSet1 18840 2,100.000 137.000 1,963.000
Instance01 Database99 BusinessRulesRuleSet IX_RuleSet2 18840 190.000 180.000 10.000
Instance01 Database99 BusinessRulesRuleSet PK_RuleSet 18840 1,600.000 560.000 1,040.000
Instance01 Database99 BusinessRulesRuleSet **TOTAL** 56520 3,895.766 877.945 3,017.820
Instance01 Database99 EquityOutputVersions PK_EquityOutputVersions 35040362 1,746.688 1,739.281 7.406
Instance01 Database99 EquityOutputVersions **TOTAL** 35040362 1,746.688 1,739.281 7.406
Instance01 Database99 EquityOverrides PK_EquityOverrides 13105402 515.859 511.188 4.672
Instance01 Database99 EquityOverrides **TOTAL** 13105402 515.859 511.188 4.672
Instance01 Database99 Auditing PK_Auditing 173494 33.391 27.586 5.805
Instance01 Database99 Auditing **TOTAL** 173494 33.391 27.586 5.805

<result set snipped for space>


In this case you could look at the fill factor of the IX_RuleSet1 and PK_RuleSet indexes to see why there is so much free space.  Failing that it is possible that these indexes need to be rebuilt to release that space, possibly after a large delete from the table cleared that space.


I find I use this query more than I ever would have thought with space issues - I start with the Database Free File query (from the previous post) and then move next to this query.


Hope this helps!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

T-SQL Tuesday #98 – Take Small Bites!
It's T-SQL Tuesday time again - the monthly blog party was started by Adam Machanic (blog/@AdamMachanic) and each month someone different selects a new topic.  This month's cycle is hosted by Arun Sirpal (blog/@blobeater1) and his chosen topic is "Your Technical Challenges Conquered" considering technical challenges and what we do to resolve them.

This was kind of a hard one for me because a lot of my blog posts are already about technical challenges from work, which means I have already written about many things that would have qualified for this category - I did find one thing from a few months ago that I hadn't documented yet...


As a services/production DBA I frequently get technical challenges related to issues about disk space, which usually tie back to issues about file growth, which usually tie back to issues about code, which usually tie back to issues about people (not necessarily developers - and yes, I do believe developers are people...usually...)

This story is yet another tale of woe starting with a page at 1am for a filling drive, in this case the LOG drive.

I went to my default trace query (described here) and found...a few...records for growths:

EventName DatabaseName FileName StartTime ApplicationName HostName LoginName
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:08 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:08 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:08 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:08 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:08 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:07 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:07 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:07 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:07 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:07 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:06 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:05 SQLCMD DBSQL NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:04 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 1:00 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:59 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:59 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:59 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:59 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:59 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:59 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:58 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:58 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:58 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:58 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:58 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:57 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:57 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:57 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:57 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:57 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:56 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:56 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:56 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:56 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:56 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:56 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:56 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:55 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:55 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:54 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:54 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:53 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:52 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:52 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:51 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:51 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:50 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:49 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:49 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:48 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:48 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:47 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:47 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:46 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:45 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:45 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:44 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:44 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:44 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:43 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:43 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:43 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:43 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:42 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:42 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:42 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:42 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:42 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:41 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:41 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:41 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:41 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:40 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:40 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:40 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:40 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:39 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:39 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:39 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:38 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:38 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:38 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:38 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:38 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:37 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:37 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:37 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:37 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:36 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:36 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:36 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:36 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:36 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:35 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:35 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:35 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:35 NULL NULL sa
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:34 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:33 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:33 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:32 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:32 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:31 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:31 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:31 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:30 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:29 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:29 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:28 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:27 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:26 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:26 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:25 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:25 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:24 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:24 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:23 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:22 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:20 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:19 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:18 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:16 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:15 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:14 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:14 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:13 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:12 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:11 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:10 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:09 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:08 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:07 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:06 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:05 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:04 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:04 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin
Log File Auto Grow App01 App01_log 9/26/2017 0:03 .Net SqlClient Data Provider HostServer01 App01admin

There was a single growth caused by SQLCMD on DBSQL– this was the index maintenance job running directly on the SQL Server.  Almost all of the other growths were triggered by a.NET application on application server HostServer01.  The App01 database's LDF/log file was set to autogrow in increments of 512MB so each row in the table above represents a single instance of that growth – as you can see the unit of work was generating 512MB of work every 30-60 seconds, which is a significant load.

The next step was setting up a basic XEvents session to track what statement(s) might be generating the load - sure enough there was a serious smoking gun:

Check out the row near the middle with a very large duration, logical_reads count, *and* writes count.

Durations in SQL 2012 Extended Events are in microseconds – a very small unit.

The catch was the duration for this statement was 6,349,645,772 (6 billion) microseconds…105.83 minutes for this one query!


The App01 database was in SIMPLE recovery (when I find this in the wild, I always question it – isn’t point-in-time recovery important? – but that is another discussion).  The relevance here is that in SIMPLE recovery, LOG backups are irrelevant (and actually *can’t* be run) – once a transaction or batch completes, the LDF/LOG file space is marked available for re-use, meaning that *usually* the LDF file doesn’t grow very large.

A database in SIMPLE recovery growing large LDF/LOG files almost always means a long-running unit of work or accidentally open transactions (a BEGIN TRAN with no subsequent CLOSE TRAN) – looking at the errors in the SQL Error Log the previous night, the 9002 log file full errors stopped at 1:45:51am server time, which means the offending unit of work ended then one way or another (crash or success).

Sure enough when I filtered the XEvents event file to things with a duration > 100 microseconds and then scanned down to 1:45:00 I quickly saw the row shown above.   Note this doesn’t mean the unit of work was excessively large in CPU/RAM/IO/etc. (and in fact the query errored out due to lack of LOG space) but the excessive duration made all of the tiny units of work over the previous 105 minutes have to persist in the transaction LDF/LOG file until this unit of work completed, preventing all of the LOG from that time to be marked for re-use until this statement ended.


The query in question was this:


exec sp_executesql N'DELETE from SecurityAction WHERE ActionDate < @1 AND (ActionCode != 102 AND ActionCode != 103 AND ActionCode != 129 AND ActionCode != 130)',N'@1 datetime',@1='2017-09-14 00:00:00'


Stripping off the sp_executesql wrapper and the parameter replacement turned it into this:


DELETE from SecurityAction
WHERE ActionDate < '2017-09-14 00:00:00'
ActionCode != 102
AND ActionCode != 103
AND ActionCode != 129
AND ActionCode != 130


Checking out App01.dbo.SecurityAction, the table was 13GB with 14 million rows.  Looking at a random TOP 1000 rows I saw some rows that would satisfy this query that were at least 7 months old at the time of this incident (from September 2017) and there may have been even older rows – I didn’t want to spend the resources to run an ORDER BY query to find the absolute oldest row.  I didn’t know based on this evidence whether this meant this individual statement has been failing for a long time or maybe this DELETE statement had been a recent addition to the overnight processes and had been failing since then.

The DELETE looked like it must be a scheduled/regular operation from a .NET application running on HostServer01 since we were seeing it each night in a similar time window.

The immediate term action I recommended to run a batched DELETE to purge this table down – once it had been purged down maybe the nightly operation would run with a short enough duration to not break the universe, a;though I did advise them that changing the nightly process to be batched wouldn't hurt (although they were dealing with a vendor app).

The code I suggested (and we eventually went with) looked like this:


       DELETE TOP (10000) from SecurityAction
       WHERE ActionDate < '2017-09-14 00:00:00'
       ActionCode != 102
       AND ActionCode != 103
       AND ActionCode != 129
       AND ActionCode != 130

This would delete rows in 10,000 row batches; wrapping it in the WHILE 1=1 allows the batch to run over and over without ending.  Once there are no more rows to satisfy the criteria the query *WILL CONTINUE TO RUN* but will simply delete -0- rows each time.

Once you are ready to stop the batch you simply cancel it and it will end in whatever iteration of the loop it is currently in.

I could have written a WHILE clause that actually checks for the existence of rows that meet the criteria, but there were so many rows that met the criteria right then that running the check itself would have been much more intensive than simply allowing the DELETE to run over and over.

We finally ended up going with this code and after a half day of running it had the table purged down from 14 million rows to 700,000, and a run the next day of the unmodified "regular" DELETE statement completed in under a minute.


This seems like a very simple fix, and runs contrary to some database teaching that say batches (and their cousins, the cursors) are evil and should be avoided no matter what.  Many blogs, classes, etc. preach the value of set-based operations at all times.

This is where we see the standard DBA trope once again:

Always use the right tool for the job - and in a case like this the right tool was a batch-based solution.  You could tune the size of the batches (is 10,000 the best number?  Maybe a 100,000 row batch (or a 1,000 row batch) would have the best performance) but regardless of that a small batch was a better choice than a 13 million row set!

At the end of the day this seems very simple - but you would be amazed to see how often something like this comes up.

To minimize LOG space needed, take small bites!

Hope this helps!