
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Toolbox - How Long Has My Server Been Up?
No..not that Up (although it is awesome!)


As a remote service provider a common request is to follow up after a server restart (or investigate a possible server restart).  A question that inevitably comes up is "When did the server restart?"

If all you need to know is when the SQL Server service restarted, the easiest thing is the creation date of tempdb since it is recreated as part of SQL Server start-up:

SELECT name, create_date
FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE name = 'tempdb'

name create_date
tempdb 05/14/2018 07:31:18


The catch is that the SQL service restart often isn't good enough.

When did Windows reboot?

When did the Agent service start?

Why did SQL start before the tempdb create date?

...and more.

I went digging and found an answer I liked online - as usual I modified it for my own wishes while keeping the core of the code:


Item Uptime Query
Author Andy Galbraith
Created 2018/01/03
Updated 2018/03/05
Decription Returns uptime for Windows, SQL Server, and SQL Agent
Versions SQL 2005+
Notes In some cases the SQL Server start time may show earlier than the OS start time - this is due
to the particular flags used to show that the system is "up" and is expected.

Queries modified from query in comment at:

@@SERVERNAME as Instance_Name
, GETDATE() as Current_Server_Time
, CONVERT(VARCHAR(23),b.OS_Start,121) as OS_Start_Time
, z.SQL_Start as SQL_Server_Start_Time
, CONVERT(VARCHAR(23),a.Agent_Start,121) as SQL_Agent_Start_Time
CAST(CAST(right(10000000+datediff(dd,0,GETDATE()-b.OS_Start),4) as INT) as VARCHAR(4))+' days '+
CAST(DATEPART(hh,GETDATE()-b.OS_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' hours, ' +
CAST(DATEPART(mi,GETDATE()-b.OS_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' minutes, ' +
CAST(DATEPART(ss,GETDATE()-b.OS_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' seconds') as OS_Uptime
CAST(CAST(right(10000000+datediff(dd,0,GETDATE()-z.SQL_Start),4) as INT) as VARCHAR(4))+' days '+
CAST(DATEPART(hh,GETDATE()-z.SQL_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' hours, ' +
CAST(DATEPART(mi,GETDATE()-z.SQL_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' minutes, ' +
CAST(DATEPART(ss,GETDATE()-z.SQL_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' seconds') as SQL_Uptime
CAST(CAST(right(10000000+datediff(dd,0,GETDATE()-a.Agent_Start),4) as INT) as VARCHAR(4))+' days '+
CAST(DATEPART(hh,GETDATE()-a.Agent_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' hours, ' +
CAST(DATEPART(mi,GETDATE()-a.Agent_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' minutes, ' +
CAST(DATEPART(ss,GETDATE()-a.Agent_Start) as VARCHAR) + ' seconds') as Agent_Uptime
SELECT login_time as SQL_Start
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions WHERE session_id = 1
) z
when aa.program_name like 'SQLAgent %'
then aa.login_time
ELSE '99990101'
CONVERT(datetime,'99990101')) as Agent_Start
FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses aa
WHERE aa.login_time > '20000101'
) a
DATEADD(ss,bb.[ms_ticks]/-1000,GETDATE()) as OS_Start
FROM sys.[dm_os_sys_info] bb
) b

Instance_Name Current_Server_Time OS_Start_Time SQL_Server_Start_Time SQL_Agent_Start_Time
INSTANCE999 05/24/2018 19:59:48 05/14/2018 07:30:31 05/14/2018 07:31:14 05/14/2018 07:31:24

OS_Uptime SQL_Uptime Agent_Uptime
10 days 12 hours, 29 minutes, 17 seconds 10 days 12 hours, 28 minutes, 34 seconds 10 days 12 hours, 28 minutes, 23 seconds


As you can see, it leverages sys.dm_exec_sessions and sysprocesses to pull the start times for the SQL services and sys.dm_os_sys_info to pull the OS info.


For another option, we can leverage an operating system function, the systeminfo command line tool,

You can use a pipe | to pass a find command into systeminfo, like this:

systeminfo|find "Time:"

System Boot Time:          4/21/2018, 7:41:10 AM


To run it, you can run an elevated CMD prompt from windows (right-click and Run as Administrator), or if xp_cmdshell is enabled you can run it from SQL:

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'systeminfo|find "Time:"'

So we have seen three ways to pull the info - but which one is the most "right"?

Let's compare the results for concurrent runs of the three queries:


name create_date
tempdb 04/21/2018 07:42:44

Instance_Name OS_Start_Time SQL_Server_Start_Time SQL_Agent_Start_Time
INSTANCE999 04/21/2018 07:42:17 04/21/2018 07:42:31 04/21/2018 07:42:47

System Boot Time:          4/21/2018, 7:41:10 AM


There are times when you need to know pretty specifically what happened and when - so let's review:
  1. systeminfo time - 7:41:10AM
  2. sys.dm_os_sys_info ms_ticks - 7:42:17AM - more than a minute later!
  3. sys.dm_exec_sessions SQL start - 7:41:32AM
  4. tempdb create date - 7:42:44AM
  5. sysprocesses Agent start - 7:42:47AM
Sometimes you only have access to one datetime or another - especially systeminfo - for example you may be a sysadmin in SQL but not have access to run the Windows command line function - but if you have access to all of these numbers, consider the order of items above.


Hope this helps!

Friday, May 18, 2018

When Good Query Plans Go Bad

Today's story starts again with a page escalation:

We are seeing very high CPU usage on DistServer01.  Could you please take a look and do a health check on this server?  Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

I connnected to DistServer01 and, sure enough, there was consistently 99% CPU in Windows and 90%+ of it was from SQL Server.

As you may have guessed, DistServer01 was the Distributor in a very large transactional replication topology.

I checked the active processes looking for something that was abnormally long-running - no good.

I checked the processes again looking for something using high CPU.  The top thing I found was a Distribution Agent for one of the many publications being routed through DistServer01.  I stopped the SQL Agent job for the Distribution Agent - no good, so I resumed the job.

Next place to turn was that warm comfy place...the Glenn Berry DMV scripts!

I have heaped praise on Glenn (blog/@GlennAlanBerry) and his scripts before, and they are definitely my go-to when I dive into troubleshooting.

For high CPU an especially useful query is the "top worker time queries" query.  This is the 2008R2 version (but it works on later versions as well):

-- Get top total worker time queries for entire instance (Query 33) (Top Worker Time Queries)
SELECT TOP(50) DB_NAME(t.[dbid]) AS [Database Name], t.[text] AS [Query Text],
qs.total_worker_time AS [Total Worker Time], qs.min_worker_time AS [Min Worker Time],
qs.total_worker_time/qs.execution_count AS [Avg Worker Time],
qs.max_worker_time AS [Max Worker Time], qs.execution_count AS [Execution Count],
qs.total_elapsed_time/qs.execution_count AS [Avg Elapsed Time],
qs.total_logical_reads/qs.execution_count AS [Avg Logical Reads],
qs.total_physical_reads/qs.execution_count AS [Avg Physical Reads], qs.creation_time AS [Creation Time]
, qp.query_plan AS [Query Plan] -- comment out this column if copying results to Excel
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs WITH (NOLOCK)
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS t
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(plan_handle) AS qp
ORDER BY qs.total_worker_time DESC OPTION (RECOMPILE);

The (truncated) results come out like this:

Query Text
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSadd_replcmds( @para
05/12/2018 22:55:25
NULL --  -- Name:   -- fn_repldecryptver4  --   -- Descrip 1724660996 0 89 372022 19285577 05/12/2018 22:55:25
NULL   --  -- Name:  --  fn_MSrepl_isdistdb  --  -- Desc 1066486938 0 53 287015 19817134 05/12/2018 22:55:23
NULL create procedure sys.sp_MSispeertopeeragent  ( 845048463 0 43 203009 19276558 05/12/2018 22:55:26
NULL CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_h 796880096 0 490 368106 1623313 05/13/2018 03:50:07
NULL CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSget_subscription_gui 527028755 0 27 379022 19260376 05/12/2018 22:55:27
NULL create procedure sys.sp_MSispeertopeeragent  (    500954674 0 25 240012 19276558 05/12/2018 22:55:26
distribution CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans       434227603 0 204054 5019298 2128 05/12/2018 23:05:04
master SELECT target_data           FROM sys.dm_xe_session_ 342630497 55006 228116 963058 1502 05/13/2018 00:00:08
msdb CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sqlagent_has_server_access  267846345 30999 763095 21321226 351 05/12/2018 22:55:18

As you can see here, the internal replication process sp_MSadd_replcmds was by far the largest total consumer of CPU, but its average CPU time was still relatively small - it was just called over a million times since the server was last started!

Just to be sure I checked the Missing/Recommended Indexes to make sure there wasn't a glaringly obvious recommendation (sometimes new indexes drastically help CPU) but there was not.

The next place to turn was the query plan...
Query plans can be very complicated subjects.  At the most basic level, query plans are the layout of how a query operates.  It is what we see represented when we look at a graphical execution plan in Management Studio:

Query plans are created on first execution and then are stored in the plan cache on either the first or second execution of the query (depending on whether you have Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads enabled).

This is beneficial a majority (a vast majority) of the time because generating the query plan takes much more resources that simply looking it up in cache.  The catch is that not all similar queries need the same plan.

The simplest example to me relates to indexing (and is actually one of the reasons my first instinct was to look for missing indexes) - when performing a filtered query (meaning one with a WHERE clause) the amount of data being returned help shape the query plan.  If the estimator expects a large portion of the rows in the table to be returned, it will often ignore nonclustered indexes and simply perform a table scan, checking each row to see if it meets the filter criteria and returning the appropriate rows.  If the estimator expects a more narrow subset and there is a relevant nonclustered index in place, it generates a plan that performs a scan or seek of the nonclustered index and then performs lookups to return any columns not already included in the index.

The problem comes up when the plan that gets cached is built for one of these two cases that is the less frequent of the two.  Using our example above let's say the first run of the query is the large resultset/table scan, which caches that plan.  The next one million runs of the query are the narrow resultset that could have used a nice, small nonclustered index - except there is already a table scan query plan stored in the cache, so SQL Server helpfully does what it's supposed to do any uses that plan, performing a million table scans for our million queries!

The way to deal with a bad query plan is to get rid of it (Simple, right?)  Many people think you need to dump the full procedure and/or system caches (or even worse, restart SQL Server) to clear this situation (and *DON'T* do that in production!)

What you can do instead is zap a single offending query plan, impacting only that specific query!

As Glenn describes here, you can look up the individual plan handle and then pass it to DBCC FREEPROCCACHE to remove that single plan from the cache.

To look up the plan handle, you can use this query:

SELECT cp.plan_handle, cp.objtype, cp.usecounts,
DB_NAME(st.dbid) AS [DatabaseName]
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS st
WHERE OBJECT_NAME (st.objectid)
sp_MSadd_replcmds%' OPTION (RECOMPILE);

plan_handle objtype usecounts DatabaseName
0x0500FF7FB38EE9D6A03A9D310501000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Proc 1077642 NULL


The next step is to pass this plan_handle to DBCC FREEPROCCACHE:


DBCC FREEPROCCACHE(0x0500FF7FB38EE9D6A03A9D310501000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

-- my case - BOOM!  Instantaneous CPU drop from 90%+ to just 5%-10%.

Another useful query came from a blog post Chris Skorlinski of Microsoft

The post is relatively old (2009) but it still is relevant as it talks about troubleshooting replication (which what led me to it, even though my problem ended up not being a replication problem) but the query is useful to find both the plan handles and other relevant information about the top CPU-consuming queries.  It is a useful expansion on the Glenn query above:

(qs.total_logical_reads/qs.execution_count) as avg_logical_reads,
(qs.total_logical_writes/qs.execution_count) as avg_logical_writes,
(qs.total_physical_reads/qs.execution_count) as avg_phys_reads,
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) as qp
--WHERE st.text like 'CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSadd_replcmds%'
ORDER BY qs.total_worker_time DESC

I want to repeat that - even though this is a distribution server in a complicated replication topology, this turned out to *not* be a replication problem.

Always review the evidence - error logs, query results, etc. - and follow the trail - never assume.


Hope this helps!