
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Counting Your VLFs, or, Temp Tables Inside IF...ELSE Blocks

There are many many blog posts out there about Virtual Log Files (VLFs) - one of the absolute best is "8 Steps to Better Transaction Log Throughput" from Kimberly Tripp (blog/@KimberlyLTripp) of SQLskills as well as the several other posts she links to from that post - if you haven't read them, click the link right now and do so - my post will be right here when you get back.


VLFs are the logical units that make up your transaction logs, and at the end of the day the TL;DR boils down to "Usually, too many VLFs Are bad" - they can decrease performance by functionally "fragmenting" your transaction log and slowing down everything transaction log-related (so basically, everything).

phil hartman frankenstein  - Too Many VLFs BAD!
VLF count is something that most vendors check during their health checks, and many SQL Server pros recommend it as well.  Of course "too many VLFs" is a relative term, with people throwing around numbers of 50 or 100 or 200 as their threshold of concern.


The resource I have always fallen back on to run this check is the script from Michelle Ufford (blog/@sqlfool).  She created it back in 2010 and it is the basis for the VLF script included in Glenn Berry's (blog/@GlennAlanBerry) Diagnostic Information (DMV) Queries.

Michelle's query relies on the undocumented DBCC LogInfo command to gather its VLF data - DBCC LogInfo returns a row for each VLF, so the count(*) of that query gives the number of VLFs for the database.  The catch is that in SQL Server 2012, Microsoft added a column to the front of the resultset (RecoveryUnitID).  As the DBCC command is undocumented, this new column is undocumented as well.

Michelle's code uses INSERT...EXEC to populate a temporary table with the VLF info, and the addition of this extra column breaks the original script.  Glenn's versions of the scripts handle this issue easily since they are version-specific - in the SQL 2012/2014/2016 versions of the script, the temp table declaration is modified to include the extra RecoveryUnitID column, which allows the rest of the script to function as designed.


My problem is I wanted a version of the script that could be used across versions 2005+, and this presented a problem.  At first I tried to add an IF...ELSE block to the start of the script to handle the differing CREATE TABLE statements:


If (select LEFT(cast(serverproperty('ProductVersion') as varchar),2)) in ('8.','9.','10')
Create Table #stage
FileID int
, FileSize bigint
, StartOffset bigint
, FSeqNo bigint
, [Status] bigint
, Parity bigint
, CreateLSN numeric(38)
Create Table #stage
RecoveryUnitID int /* This is the new column as of SQL 2012 */
, FileID int
, FileSize bigint
, StartOffset bigint
, FSeqNo bigint
, [Status] bigint
, Parity bigint
, CreateLSN numeric(38)


Regardless of the SQL version I tested, I received this:

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 1, Line 16
There is already an object named '#stage' in the database.

I played with it a little, including adding an IF EXISTS check to the beginning of the second block (and yes, I directed it to tempdb..#stage to reference the temp table) and none of it worked.  I poked around a little online and couldn't find a way to make it work - many people saying that it couldn't be done with temp tables, and that you should use a "regular" table or maybe a regular view instead.

My problem is that I am creating a script I want to run on lots of different servers across lots of environments, and I don't want to assume that the table name I am using doesn't already exist.  Is it likely that a client server will have a table named dbo.AndyGVLFCountReallyUniqueTableNameGUIDPurpleMonkeyDishwasher?  Well no, but you never know...  Also, many environments have rules about creating "real" objects without change control - even an object that will be created, exist for <30 seconds, and be dropped.

Besides at this point it had become a challenge of how to make it work - there had to be a different way of looking at the problem.  I fiddled with a table variable solution and had no better luck, resulting in a similar "already exists" error.

I realized part of the problem was how my script was laid out - I was checking for the lower version as my decision gate (in 8/9/10 ELSE) and while that was what needs to happen (I didn't want to hard code 11/12/13 and have it break with future versions) I didn't need to have the CREATE be part of the check - I just needed to handle the fact that the down-level object couldn't have the offending column:


Create Table #stage
RecoveryUnitID int /* This is the new column as of SQL 2012 */
, FileID      int
, FileSize    bigint
, StartOffset bigint
, FSeqNo      bigint
, [Status]    bigint
, Parity      bigint
, CreateLSN   numeric(38)

If (select LEFT(cast(serverproperty('ProductVersion') as varchar),2)) in ('8.','9.','10')


In this case, I was able to create the table before the version check *with* the extra column, and then run a version check to drop the column if the instance is down-level.

With this in hand, I was able to modify Michelle's script to run for all current versions of SQL:



VLF Count Script

Modifed From Michelle Ufford @sqlfool

Added version check code due to changes in DBCC LOGINFO

Tested on MSSQL 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014


NOTE - the output of DBCC LogInfo adds an extra 
column as of SQL 2012 so there is a version check 
to drop that column for older versions

Create Table #stage
RecoveryUnitID int /* This is the new column as of SQL 2012 */
, FileID int
, FileSize bigint
, StartOffset bigint
, FSeqNo bigint
, [Status] bigint
, Parity bigint
, CreateLSN numeric(38)

If (select LEFT(cast(serverproperty('ProductVersion') as varchar),2)) in ('8.','9.','10')

Create Table #results(
Database_Name sysname
, VLF_count int 

Exec sp_msforeachdb N'Use [?]; 

Insert Into #stage 
Exec sp_executeSQL N''DBCC LogInfo([?])''; 

Insert Into #results 
Select DB_Name(), Count(*) 
From #stage; 

Truncate Table #stage;'

Select * 
From #results
Order By VLF_count Desc;

Drop Table #stage;
Drop Table #results;


I am happy with the final product (the modified VLF count script) but also with my brief path of discovery on handling Temp Tables in IF...ELSE blocks - I know I have had similar problems before as outputs vary from version to version and now I have another idea to try the next time it comes up!

Hope this helps!

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